Monday, June 9, 2014

Adventures Elsewhere - Dessau

After Berlin, we drove to Dessau, the first area Newel served in when he was a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  It's a smaller town in Germany.  The best part about Dessau for me, and maybe for both of us, was seeing Newel see his first apartment again.  He just couldn't believe he was actually seeing it again and that nothing about it had changed (except missionaries weren't living there anymore).

Friedrich-Schneider-Straße 68

After seeing the apartment, we walked down the street (the same street Newel walked down everyday when he was in Dessau) and went to the grocery store to get some flavored milk (also something he did a lot when he served there).  It was fun having Newel take me on a tour of the grocery store.  Their groceries are similar but different compared to what we have here in the U.S.  They obviously had their own brands of milk, cereal, candy, etc. (except I did see that Pringles, Oreos, and M&M's had infiltrated the stores shelves - just say NO, Germany!), but they also had less of everything since Germans (and I think most Europeans) go to the grocery store almost everyday to get the food they need for that day.

We then walked a few blocks and saw the McDonalds Newel regularly ate at (again, just say NO, Germany!), the main square he taught his first discussion/lesson, and gave his first Book of Mormon.  Here we are in the main square.

After that we went to the Bauhaus School which was something I wanted to see after studying the Bauhaus movement when I took art history in high school 10 YEARS AGO.  Wow, don't get me started. :)

We also saw the train station that brought Newel to Dessau and where he & his companion took the train to church on Sundays since the building was that far away.

What I want to remember:
1) Talking with Newel about his experiences in Dessau - him seeing everything triggered so many memories that he hadn't shared with me before
2) Seeing Newel's happiness and awe to see Dessau exactly 15 years later
3) Everyone riding bikes (really EVERYONE - old people, young people, either going to/coming from work, leisurely riding, etc.)

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