Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I remember a year or so ago, my sister-in-law wrote about having a blog block, meaning she was having a hard time coming up with what to write about.  I know what she felt like now because I'm having major blog block.  I haven't forgotten about my blog, and I haven't been procrastinating putting something up on the blog, but I just can't think of what to write about.  We haven't taken any pictures lately either.  Maybe I can tell y'all about Lloyd's Restaurant sometime.  It's where all the local old people dine and we've had some pleasant/funny experiences there.  I guess for now I'll just end this meaningless post with a Southern saying I heard today:

"He'll be on you like a rat on a cheeto."

I can't even remember the context now, but I don't think explaining it would make a difference. :)  Happy Wednesday.

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