Sunday, September 15, 2013

Some old drafts

When I started this blog, I started making lots of drafts of posts I thought I wanted to write and then I never finished/posted them (usually because I didn't have photos to go with them and aren't blogs more fun when there are photos?!).  I just came across these drafts and thought I would share.  Here are some of the first things I felt or noticed when we were very new to Alabama:

Thursday, August 2, 2012 - Red Delicious
I love apples.  I usually eat an apple every single day.  My favorite kinds are Gala and Fuji, and I like Granny Smith if I'm feeling the tart taste.  I've never liked Red Delicious.  The primary factor for me in liking an apple is the crispiness.  If I get a mushy apple, I can't eat it, and I hate wasting food so it's a big deal when I can't eat something.  Almost every time I've had a Red Delicious, it's been mushy.  So I gave up on them.  But here in the South, the Red Delicious apples are crispy, and I'm really liking them.  And it's not just Birmingham, it's Atlanta too because I've had Red Delicious apples there and they were good.  Maybe it takes longer to ship them out west, and they get mushy by the time their sold in the grocery store.  I don't know.  If you don't like Red Delicious, try them when you come south. 
Today's response to this draft - I've had mushy Red Delicious since writing this post...  Maybe Red Delicious are just hit or miss.

Thursday, August 9, 2012 - Rain
It rains like crazy here!  It doesn’t rain all the time, but when it rains, it really does pour.  I first night here, Newel and I woke up to thunder and lightning and a downpour.  I’ve never seen it rain so much.  It doesn’t rain out West like it does here.  Growing up in San Diego, it didn’t rain much, and in Utah, when it did rain, it was usually snow.  The rain here kind of comes out of nowhere too.  It might be kind of cloudy, but then all of the sudden really big gray clouds come, it gets pretty dark and it just starts pouring.  It’s cool to experience if you’re inside, but yesterday I was running errands, and it started, and I had no umbrella and was wearing flip flops because it was hot.  That was a little adventure just getting to my car.
Today's response to this draft - Yeah, it still rains like crazy here sometimes.  It rained a lot this last summer.  That's why the heat was so mild this year.  I've also learned to always carry an umbrella with me because you never know when you might be stuck in a rainstorm in flip flops.

Thursday, September 27, 2012 - Beautiful Feet
After 8 years of dry, cold weather experienced in Utah, and 2 months of recovery in humid, hot Birmingham, I finally have my San Diegan feet back (i.e., feet with no extra layer of calloused skin and no need to slather them with thick foot cream every single day)!  But I still have my broken-looking pinky toe, which I love because I love every bit of myself. :)
Today's response to this draft - Yep, my skin is not as dried out, especially my feet.  I do have to lotion up every few days though.  And yep, my pinky toe is still broken-looking; always has been and always will be.

Well those were my drafts.  Kind of fun for me just to read them.  And I'm glad I remembered to finally post them.

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