Sunday, August 17, 2014

Adventures Elsewhere - Annaberg-Bucholz

After Leipzig, we drove to Annaberg-Bucholz which was probably the smallest town we visited.  It's tucked away in the Ore Mountains and is very beautiful.  While we were there, we were able to see a family that Newel taught as a missionary.  They made us lunch and then took us around their town and surrounding areas.  Here are some things we did with them:

Went behind their house and looked out over Annaberg.  See how pretty?

Climbed the tower of The Church of St. Annen.  It's one of the largest late Gothic churches of Saxony and was built from 1499 to 1525.  A family still lives in the tower and cares for the church and rings the bell.  (This is Newel and the Sengers at the top of the tower.)

Walked through the marketplace and then hiked the Poehlberg - the highest mountain in Annaberg.

What I want to remember:
1)  How much Newel and the Sengers enjoyed being together again.
2)  The hills and fields of Annaberg-Bucholz and other surrounding towns.
3)  Comparing the people in Annaberg to the people in the Southern United States - so friendly, simple, and their accents occasionally being difficult to understand in their respective languages. :)

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