Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Adventures Elsewhere - Tübingen

After Ulm, we drove to Tübingen which we heard was a must-visit by several German travel bloggers.  We liked it, but I didn't write very much about what we did there.  Here's what I wrote:

Tübingen is right next to Bublingen (funny name - haha).

The hotel was comfortable, and the staff served a great seed roll for breakfast.

That afternoon, we walked around town which reminded us a lot of Provo, UT because it's a university town with lots of college students everywhere.  We had some maultaschen (like ravioli, but German-style) which is a Tübingen original/specialty.

I had ice cream two times because the first cone I got was a little smaller than I wanted AND I wanted to try another flavor.  Who says I can't have ice cream twice in one day?!

We walked long the Platanenallee (I think translated means 'park with a sidewalk' which is what is was).  It was very pretty.  We also walked around Old Town and a castle that was used by the university for classes.  Makes you think of Harry Potter, right?

That evening, we planned our metro routes to get around Paris the next day, and we practiced our French by watching basics of speaking FrenchYouTube videos (I still remember 'oo-ay la Seinne?' = 'where is the Seinne?).

All in all, it was a beautiful, sunny day - a perfect last day in Germany.

What we want to remember/maybe not remember:
1)  Getting stared at a lot - I'm not sure if this was because we looked really American that day or because we just looked too old to be university students...
2)  Newel eating too much ice cream and whipped cream.  He didn't feel too well afterwards.  As for me, I got seconds. :)

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