Sunday, May 3, 2015

Adventures Elsewhere - Paris & Versailles

So I've wanted to go to Paris for a long time.  When I studied AP Art History in high school, I absolutely loved studying all the different pieces of art as well as the background behind them including the message the artist or architect intended through their work.  Most pieces we studied were listed as being in Paris, so I made the decision that one day, I would go to Paris and see these pieces of art and architecture with my own eyes.

10 years later, I went to Paris and saw it with my own eyes, and it was awesome.  Paris probably deserves a three-part post since we were there 3 days, but I'm going to be honest, I need to finish writing about this trip.  It happened almost a year ago, and I've stretched it out long enough.  Also, while I thought Paris was totally awesome, I ended up liking Germany more.  Nothing against Paris, just major compliments to Germany!!!

Oh, before I get to Paris, I have to mention that after Tübingen, we drove to Stuttgart to take the train to Paris.

What we want to remember about our short experience in Stuttgart:

1)  Being able to find where to drop off the car rental despite poor directions/construction
2)  Getting our last German pastries and kebab
3)  The really nice lady at the pastry shop who helped us select our last pastries
4)  The pretty views of the vineyards up on the hills of Stuttgart
5)  Seeing the German/French countryside by train

Okay, now Paris!

After getting off the train, navigating the crowds through the train station, taking the metro, and finding our hotel was a little stressful and definitely different from making our way through Germany.

Once we checked in to our hotel, we took the train to the Eiffel Tower.  Seeing the tower was one of my favorite things we did there.  We spent half a day seeing it, just wanting to take it all in.  Some people say they've been disappointed by the Eiffel Tower, but Newel and I really liked it.  Everyone has heard of the Eiffel Tower too, and now we're part of the club of people that have been there. :)

What I want to remember about the Eiffel Tower:

1)  Meeting and talking with an American couple from Lilburn, GA (which is where Newel's sister lives and just 3 hours away from Birmingham) - small world!
2)  Being amazed at the size and population of Paris.
3)  Eating my first French crepe (with bananas and nutella) - YUM.
4)  Being frequently bombarded by guys trying to sell us cheap Eiffel Towers (something we actually don't want to remember but can't seem to forget).
5)  Staying to see the Eiffel Tower sparkle on the hour twice (one time while were up in the Eiffel tower and a second time when we were away from it but could get a complete view of it sparkling).

The next day, we went to Versailles which ended up being closed, so we took the train back to Paris to see things there.  Here's what we did:

Saw Notre Dame/Point Zero (center of Paris) which was super cool.  We were a little disappointed at not being able to climb to the top due to workers being on strike. :/

Walked to the Louvre and saw the highlights thanks to Rick Steve's recommendations.  The Louvre was even bigger than I imagined, and I really like being able to see the original paintings and sculptures that I studied in school.

Walked Champs-Élysées - we liked seeing all the cool stores.  Sephora was HUGE.  And there was a line to get into Louis Vuitton.  Also, did you know the McDonald's in Paris is the busiest McDonald's in the world?  Come on, people.  McDonald's?  I'd prefer another crepe.

Saw the Arc De Triomphe but was disappointed again that climbing to the top was closed due to scaffolding and strikes. :/

Walked back down Champs-Élysées and continued on to Musée d'Orsay. This was my favorite museum.  I loved the impressionist paintings, especially The Gleaners by Jean-François Millet because we had a copy hanging in our home growing up.  It also reminds my family of a story about one of our ancestors.

By the time we finished, our legs were SO tired.  We had walked everywhere that day.

The next morning, we went to a little pastry shop for breakfast and then got on the train for our second attempt to see Versailles.  Second time was the charm so we decided to see the gardens first, then the Grand & Petit Trianons (other estates at Versailles).

In the afternoon, we waited in line to see The Chateau (or main palace) of King Louis XIV.  It was beautiful, and Newel and I were amazed at how big it was.

What we want to remember:
1) The time we thought our bladders might explode as we searched for a bathroom in Paris.
2) The enormity of Versailles - everything was big and ornate, especially the gardens.
3) How everything was more rushed in Paris which kind of stressed me out, but Newel helped me still have fun.

Our overall impressions of Paris:
  • Very cool but didn't love it like I thought I would - I don't know if my expectations were too high or I just liked Germany even more.
  • The food was good but not as good as the German food - Newel and I question whether we actually found a good place to eat in Paris; we probably could have researched that a little more.
  • CROWDED - it reminded me of New York City.  Some people love crowds and fast-paced activities, but I like when things are slower.  Maybe that's my Southern self coming out in me. :)

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