So, I decided to go to the most visited free attraction in Alabama - the Birmingham Botanical Gardens. The Gardens are pretty sweet. I had no idea what I was looking at most of the time (unless I saw the signs), but everything was beautiful. I walked through one of the rose gardens.
Then I started taking pictures of flowers up close because they reminded me of my mom who does the same thing. She probably could have told me what these flowers/plants are called.
And then I walked through what I think was the Fern Glade Garden, or maybe it was the Little One's Memory Garden. I didn't really look at the map when I was there. I just followed trails and took pictures of things I thought were pretty. The only problem was everything was pretty.
Then I walked through the herb and vegetable garden which reminded me of my mother-in-law who is a fantastic gardener and one that has cared for the physical needs of her family with all the things she's grown each year.
I then walked through some more gardens and found the big one called the Formal Garden. And then I ended with the Kayser Lily Pool, which was one of my favorites.
I only made it through half of the gardens, but I figured I could go back another day with Newel. It was so beautiful and peaceful, and my pictures are doing the Botanical Gardens justice, but I enjoyed myself. I liked how it reminded me of family, particularly the women in my family. I think women and gardens go together because the women I know and love most can make things grow. They've helped me grow, especially my mom. And I love her so much for it.
If you live in or come to Birmingham, go to the Botanical Gardens. You won't regret it.
Gardeners live in beautiful places because they make them so.