Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Adventures Began Before We Even Got Here

So we wanted to leave Thursday, July 26th to give us plenty of time to make the trip to Birmingham, hopefully find an apartment and give Newel some time to rest before starting work on Monday.  We left around noon and starting driving up Parley’s Canyon.  Before we even got to Park City, my car blew up.  It made weird noises, then I heard something fall out of the bottom, and then the AC wasn’t working.  I don’t do well with car problems, and when this happened I called Newel (who was driving his own car in front of me) in a frantic state, trying to explain what was going on in the car.  To make a long story short, we took the car back to Salt Lake and stayed with my Aunt Celia for a couple nights.  Newel’s brother-in-law Mikey, fixed all my car’s problems and more.  We still feel so blessed to have had family that came through for us at that time and are so grateful for them.
Early Saturday morning, we left Utah.  Our first day driving was uneventful, but it was LONG.  We traveled for 16 hours that day, and stayed in Hays, KS.  We had a late start the next morning, and then stopped at some random little town somewhere in KS or OK for lunch.  After we ate, I couldn’t find my cell phone.  I usually can’t find it at first because it always gets lost somewhere in my purse, but after taking everything out and not finding it, I started to freak out a little.  Newel helped me look in my car, in the gas station, in the eating area, and every other place we were at that stop.  We couldn’t find it.  It was hot, I was sweaty, and I was ready to cry.  I needed my cell phone.  My car had been making weird noises again, and I needed my phone to call Newel if anything went wrong.  Newel and I said a little prayer, and after 5-10 more minutes of looking, we found it under a seat in my car.  After we found it and got on the road again, I let myself cry a little bit.

Maybe an hour after the lost cell phone incident, traffic was stopped for 20 minutes due to a fire.  After that, we kept driving until we got to Tulsa.  We had dinner with Newel’s cousin and his family, which was really nice because we don’t get to see them very much, and I was already so sick of eating out.  We then drove to Van Buren, AR where we stayed for a night.  We knew we were in the south when we got to Arkansas.  We began to experience the heat, the humidity, the accents, the Waffle House restaurants, and the big trees lining the edges of the freeways (which I’m liking).

The next morning, we set out for Birmingham.  Right outside of Memphis, when we were stopped at a traffic light, a guy tried to get around me to get into the lane turning left, but instead, dented the side of my car.  Great.  I called Newel and told him we needed to pull over to talk to this guy.  He was very apologetic, but he didn’t have insurance.  Newel told the guy not to worry about it because we were so done with this trip and just wanted to get to Birmingham.  We were excited when we got to the state line for Alabama, “The Beautiful” and so happy to get to our final destination!  I hugged Newel, and let out a half sigh/half cry.  I was glad we made it.

I’m realizing I need to shorten my blog entries, and get some pictures up.  Now that we’re here, I’m going to work on that.  Let the real adventures begin!   

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