Thursday, August 9, 2012

Moved In (mostly)

As of Tuesday, Newel and I were officially moved in to our apartment!  I know that “moved in” means different things depending on the person defining, but I would say we are definitely moved in.  I unpacked every box and found a place for everything.  I even organized the stuff that stays in boxes like old photos, journals, grad school notes, etc.  We are more moved in to this place than we were in our last apartment, and we’ve only been here 5 days!  When I finished, I had that really great feeling that comes when you think you’ve gotten everything done.  Then I remembered I still need to figure out where everything is in Birmingham, get a new driver’s license, register to vote, oh, and that little thing called a job.  I know people who read this may think I’m a superwoman moving and unpacking/organizing everything so quickly.  No.  I just don’t have a job and don’t have children.  That makes it really easy.  It was still fun though, and I feel good to have everything in its place in our new home.

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