Sunday, February 23, 2014

More Heap Fam in Bham

Last month, my brother and his wife came to visit us in Birmingham.  Well, the primary reason was for Andrew to interview with UAB's MHA program, but staying with us and experiencing some of Alabama was a major plus.  Here is what we did:

Sorry, if you don't care for the details, but this is for me to remember and for my family (mostly Mom) to enjoy. :)

We picked them up from the airport late Thursday night, and stayed up and talked a little bit before we had to crash so Newel could go to work and Andrew could go with him to get to his interview.  Stacy and I got to sleep in (because I took the day off :) ).  We woke up and went for a walk in my favorite park but kind of froze because it was really cold that day - more on how this whole winter has been fa-reezing in a future post.  We went to Hobby Lobby to get some stuff to make my mom a birthday present and then we went to lunch at McAlister's.  Then we went home and showered and Andrew and Newel got home from interview/work and they taught us how to play the card game Finny (sp?).  For dinner, we went to Mugshots and ate really good hamburgers.  I can always eat at Mugshots - that's why I'm so happy in our picture below. :)

Then we went home and played Kinect Sports and Dance Central 3 and watched a BYU volleyball game where our other brother was caught acting like our dad. :)

 On Saturday, we went to lunch at Niki's West to eat some pure, Southern, home-style food.  Super good.  I even remember exactly what I ordered and it's a month later. :)  Then we went to Sloss Furnaces to check out the old boilers, railways, and creepy haunted tunnels.

Next we went to Kelly Ingram Park and gave Andrew and Stacy a condensed Civil Rights walking tour, trying to recall all we learned from previous tours and visits to the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. Then we went to Walmart. :)  We had to get some groceries for dinner and print off some pictures for my mom's present.  Andrew and Stacy made us Lasagna Soup and homemade pretzels.

On Sunday, Newel and I made breakfast, and since we had late church, we watched the rest of Count of Monte Cristo and then Pride and Prejudice which Andrew was really excited about.  Church was great, and then we came home, ate dinner, played more games and stayed up as late as we could before having to accept the fact that Andrew and Stacy had to go home the next day.

Monday morning came, we got up, exercised, went to Edgar's for breakfast and then I took them to the airport.  I was sad.  Being with family is one of the best things in the world.  Especially with Andrew and Stacy.  I miss them and I'm thinking about how much I miss them and all my family and Newel's family even more as I write this.  Life is so good.

It had been a little over a year since we had seen each other, but now it won't be that long since our other brother got engaged.  Hooray!  Looks like we'll get to reunite with all my family again soon.


  1. !vWe love you guys and had a blast! Thanks again for having us!

  2. I love everything about this post and everyone in it!
