Sunday, September 7, 2014

Adventures Elsewhere - Freiberg

After Annaberg, Newel and I drove to Freiberg to visit the temple.  The story of the Freiberg Temple is a good one.  I would really love to tell its story, but it would be long and I wouldn't tell it as well as others have, but President Dieter F. Utchdorf tells it very well in "Seeing beyond the Leaf" (scroll down to the heading The Freiberg Temple to read about it). 

Visiting the Freiberg Temple was very inspiring to me.  Our visit was different than our visits to the temple in Birmingham because so many different languages were spoken.  We attended an endowment session that was given in Czech so Newel and I wore headphones for translation in order to understand it.  Newel listened in German and I listened in English.  There was also a lady listening in Mongolian.  As I was there, I had the most overwhelming feeling that the Lord loves all people, all are His children, He hears all languages, all hearts, and all prayers.  We all spoke/understood different languages, but the same ordinance was being performed.  I felt His love for me and for every other person I saw there that day.

Things I want to remember:
1) Feeling God's love for all people around the world.
2) The people working in the temple were very bright which was significantly different than others German we had been seeing.  I think it was because of living the Gospel and the change that happens when you devote your life to God.
3)  My first feelings of helplessness because of not being able to communicate in German.  It all worked out because the lady helping me saw my blank stares and switched to English.  I am so much more appreciative of people that learn to speak other languages!
4) The crazy never-ending drive to Brand-Erbisdorf (a town outside of Freiberg) due to construction - we had to take detour after detour after detour (at the time I wanted to forget it, but now I want to remember every moment... funny how life works that way).

P.S.  I used a lot of church language that may be unfamiliar to some people.  If you have any questions about things I said, please message me!  I would love to explain.

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