Sunday, November 4, 2012

Backyard Adventures by the 280

Yesterday was BEAUTIFUL, and it was warm too.  Newel said, "I never thought I'd say it's a nice, warm November day."  I loved it.  This Birmingham fall weather reminds me of how things were growing up in San Diego.  Being here feels a lot more normal to me than when I lived in Utah.  I still love Utah though.  Just not the cold weather so much.
Major props if you find Newel in this picture.
After we cleaned and exercised and did all our other Saturday errands we went to walk along the Cahaba River which is right behind our apartment complex (basically our backyard) and flows under the 280 (the majorily congested highway Newel and lots of other people take to work).  Walking through the trees and by the river was really pretty.  Here are some pictures:
You can see the Cahaba River right through the trees. 
Me smiling in exasperation after trying to get Newel to take a decent picture of me. 
This was the best one he took. :)
And this, in my humble opinion, is the best one I took.
More Cahaba River.
Underneath our busy, bustling 280.
Newel walking back to our car while I scramble to get one last picture.
Yesterday was one of my favorite days we had in Birmingham.  A nice, warm November day.

1 comment:

  1. Now you understand why I am always last to finish a family hike. So many great shots to take! And in my case, I'm in the worst shape in the family. So last place is my spot. These are beautiful!
