Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Back in the South!

Yessss!  Newel's back in the South.  I've been meaning to take pictures, but I haven't.  So sorry.  Newel came back on Saturday and it's so good to have him home.  Our apartment has life again.  Not that I've been dead or anything.  But I'm such a quiet person when he's not around (probably because there's no one to talk to when I'm at home).

When I picked Newel up from the airport, I expected to see him hobbling on his forearm crutches (kind of like he was when I left him in Utah except a little better because it had been 3 weeks), but instead he was walking and pulling his rolling carry-on behind him!  Sweet!  The flight took it out of him (because sitting for a long time is still pretty uncomfortable), but he looked so great.

When we walked out of the airport, Newel said, "Wow, it feels so good out here.  Nice and warm." (and it was).  When we drove home from the airport, Newel said, "Man, it's good to be back in the South." (and it is).  When I was at work yesterday, Newel texted me: "I just love mingling with these laid back country folk." (and I do too).  We really love it here, and we're so grateful to be in/be back in the South!

Friday, January 25, 2013

How to talk Southern

I'm sure someone's written a book on how to talk like you're from the South, but here are some things I can think of off the top of my head:

y'all - you guys or you all; as in "What are y'all doin' tonight?" or "Did y'all meet your neighbors?" (You must say y'all; it feels weird saying you guys in the South.)

fixin' to - planning on; as in "I'm fixin' to go to the store and buy me some grits." or "Miss Hillary, are you fixin' to give me my homework folder?"

mmkay - okay; as in "Y'all better listen up, mmkay?" or "This is how it works, mmkay."

might could - might or could (not both) :) ; as in "You might could try giving him some candy now."

cut off/cut on - turn off/turn on; as "Cut that machine off."  or "I tried cutting it off then cutting it back on, but it wouldn't work. (that one really threw me for a loop.)

Begin incorporating these into your everyday conversation, and you'll start to sound like a true Southerner.

P.S. The drawl just takes some practice.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

January 18th

40 something years ago, my middle namesake was born.  She's my dad's sister and she is a really wonderful aunt.

4 years ago, I went on my first date with Newel.

3 years ago, Newel asked me to marry him and I said yes, of course.  The picture below is of us the night we got engaged.

2 years ago, we went to Olive Garden.

1 year ago, we went to Cafe Rio and saw the new Muppets movie.

This year, Newel was in Utah with his new hip, and I was in Bham watching the BYU Men's Volleyball Team beat #1 ranked UC Irvine.

January 18th is a pretty darn good day.  Probably one of my favorite regular days of the year!

Snow in Bham?!

Yes, on Thursday it snowed in Bham.  On Wednesday, the weather people predicted it would snow, but various coworkers said, "It's not gonna snow.  They always say it will, but it never does.", and "It doesn't snow here ever, but, nevermind, everyone is going to freak out about it anyway.", and   "All the milk, eggs and toilet paper are probably already sold out in the grocery stores." 

After all that naysaying, I didn't think it was going to snow either.

However, in came the snow on Thursday, and everyone at work was super excited because Bham never gets snow.  And then after the excitement died down, everyone started to worry about getting home.  A lot of them said their spouses working downtown were leaving work early because the roads were icy.  All you snow bunnies in Utah, might think this is absurd, but I should insert here that their are no snow plows within 3-5 hours of Bham, so if the snow sticks, the roads are bad.  And no one knows how to drive in the snow so it's just madness.

I left work a little early just in case the roads really were bad (which they weren't), and then I decided to go to Target to see if all the milk, eggs, and toilet paper really were sold out.  All the eggs were gone, but there was plenty of milk and toilet paper.  There weren't many Target customers though... maybe 5 (including me), which is really dead for Target.  By the time I was done there, it stopped snowing and the sun was coming out.

On Friday, schools started 2 hours later, and everyone rolled into work later too. Some parts of road were very icy, but I was safe.

I think that might have been the first and last snow in Bham this winter.  The snow came and went so fast that I didn't get a picture.  Maybe next year!  Wahoo!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Southern Hospitality

We always heard of Southern hospitality, but had not experienced it until (surprise) we moved to Alabama.  The Southern hospitality was one of the first things we liked about living in the South.  Even though we didn't know anyone out here, we were readily received and warmly welcomed by dear people in our community and our church.

Why do I write about this now?  Newel is still gone (and recovering well by the way), and I could potentially feel very lonely, but I have been looked after with love and support.  I think somehow our Heavenly Father knew Newel and I would be separated and I would need to be in a place where He knew there would be people to express His love and care for me through them.  What better people to express your love through than the people of the South?!

We really do love Birmingham.  Newel wants to come back ASAP!  We are so grateful for the experiences we're having here and for the opportunities we continue to have to learn and grow and become more like the loving, caring people of the South.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Holiday Highlights

Pretty sure words can't describe how much fun we had with friends and family out west in San Diego and Salt Lake, but I thought I'd outline some of the major fun with some pictures to prove it.  Here are our 2012 Holiday Highlights:

1)  Going to the San Diego Temple to do sealings with my family a few days before Christmas.  It was so great to be with family in the temple.  And the temple in San Diego always has a special place in our hearts!

2)  Being with the Heap family Christmas Day which included going to the beach and dinner at Jack in the Box - a Heap Family Tradition. :)

3)  Newel having total hip replacement surgery on his right side at St. Mark’s Hospital in Salt Lake on December 28th.  His surgery went well and he continues to make progress each day.

4)  Hanging out with the Mecham Family New Year's Eve.  We ate yummy food and played fun games.  Newel was also discharged from the hospital New Year’s Eve which made it extra special.
5)  And last, but not least, spending a few days with Newel before coming back to the South for work and other Southern adventures.  I'm flying solo until he returns and it'll be good to have him back.  Hope y'all are having a Happy New Year!