Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Back in the South!

Yessss!  Newel's back in the South.  I've been meaning to take pictures, but I haven't.  So sorry.  Newel came back on Saturday and it's so good to have him home.  Our apartment has life again.  Not that I've been dead or anything.  But I'm such a quiet person when he's not around (probably because there's no one to talk to when I'm at home).

When I picked Newel up from the airport, I expected to see him hobbling on his forearm crutches (kind of like he was when I left him in Utah except a little better because it had been 3 weeks), but instead he was walking and pulling his rolling carry-on behind him!  Sweet!  The flight took it out of him (because sitting for a long time is still pretty uncomfortable), but he looked so great.

When we walked out of the airport, Newel said, "Wow, it feels so good out here.  Nice and warm." (and it was).  When we drove home from the airport, Newel said, "Man, it's good to be back in the South." (and it is).  When I was at work yesterday, Newel texted me: "I just love mingling with these laid back country folk." (and I do too).  We really love it here, and we're so grateful to be in/be back in the South!

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