Sunday, January 13, 2013

Southern Hospitality

We always heard of Southern hospitality, but had not experienced it until (surprise) we moved to Alabama.  The Southern hospitality was one of the first things we liked about living in the South.  Even though we didn't know anyone out here, we were readily received and warmly welcomed by dear people in our community and our church.

Why do I write about this now?  Newel is still gone (and recovering well by the way), and I could potentially feel very lonely, but I have been looked after with love and support.  I think somehow our Heavenly Father knew Newel and I would be separated and I would need to be in a place where He knew there would be people to express His love and care for me through them.  What better people to express your love through than the people of the South?!

We really do love Birmingham.  Newel wants to come back ASAP!  We are so grateful for the experiences we're having here and for the opportunities we continue to have to learn and grow and become more like the loving, caring people of the South.

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