Saturday, January 19, 2013

Snow in Bham?!

Yes, on Thursday it snowed in Bham.  On Wednesday, the weather people predicted it would snow, but various coworkers said, "It's not gonna snow.  They always say it will, but it never does.", and "It doesn't snow here ever, but, nevermind, everyone is going to freak out about it anyway.", and   "All the milk, eggs and toilet paper are probably already sold out in the grocery stores." 

After all that naysaying, I didn't think it was going to snow either.

However, in came the snow on Thursday, and everyone at work was super excited because Bham never gets snow.  And then after the excitement died down, everyone started to worry about getting home.  A lot of them said their spouses working downtown were leaving work early because the roads were icy.  All you snow bunnies in Utah, might think this is absurd, but I should insert here that their are no snow plows within 3-5 hours of Bham, so if the snow sticks, the roads are bad.  And no one knows how to drive in the snow so it's just madness.

I left work a little early just in case the roads really were bad (which they weren't), and then I decided to go to Target to see if all the milk, eggs, and toilet paper really were sold out.  All the eggs were gone, but there was plenty of milk and toilet paper.  There weren't many Target customers though... maybe 5 (including me), which is really dead for Target.  By the time I was done there, it stopped snowing and the sun was coming out.

On Friday, schools started 2 hours later, and everyone rolled into work later too. Some parts of road were very icy, but I was safe.

I think that might have been the first and last snow in Bham this winter.  The snow came and went so fast that I didn't get a picture.  Maybe next year!  Wahoo!

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