Sunday, May 19, 2013


Don't fret, dear blog.  I didn't forget about you.  In fact, I've been thinking of you often ever since my last post when I confessed I really did forget about you.  I've thought all about what I wanted to share about Alabama next so here it is:

Y'all have probably heard that there are A LOT of trees in Alabama, and it's true.  So many.  When we first moved here, Newel said he was getting claustrophobic, and I thought it was a little crowded.  Now we're both used to it, and we both like it.  When we drive somewhere that's kind of open, we usually comment on it because it feels kind of weird to have so much space. :)

Anyway, when we first moved here, it seemed like all the trees were about the same kind of green.  Then in the fall, the leaves started to change into those beautiful yellow, orange, red and/or brown colors that everyone loves.  Then in the winter, most of the trees' leaves fell off, and it was just kind of grey/brown looking.  Then spring came, and it's not like summer where all the trees are the same kind of green.  They are different shades of green, and it's so pretty!  I took a picture (see below), but it doesn't fully capture how pretty it is/was (mostly because those lovely power lines are in the way).

All the pretty green colors made me think of my sister-in-law, Stacy, because she loves green.  I think I know other people that love the color too, but she's the one I can remember really likes it and so it makes me think of her.  I think she would really like the spring trees out here too.  Now that's summers almost upon us, the leaves are turning the same color again.  Weird to think we've been here almost a year...

1 comment:

  1. This is so pretty! There are so many different colors of green in nature. It's inspiring to me.
