Thursday, May 16, 2013

Oh dear.

A sad thing happened to the blogger in me today.  I forgot I had a blog.  Really, I did.  I was driving home from work today, and I just remembered I had one.  All those professional bloggers out there may not think it's possible, but it totally is and here's how it happened:

I kept telling myself, I needed to update my blog but then kept putting it off.  Bad choice.  Naughty, naughty blogger Hillary.  And this is why I put it off:

It finally hit me that we were really in Alabama and we were here to stay.  We weren't on vacation, just having fun with these friendly Southerners who talk different and make some really good food.  This was our new home.  At least for now.  And I'm more than okay with that.  We love it here, and we've been so blessed to meet and associate ourselves with so many good people and enjoy a beautiful part of the country that we never even really knew about.

I think it was still kind of hard for me to accept being so far from family and think about all the fun things they were doing together.  I didn't want to talk about things going on here when I really just wanted to be over there with them.

But that's life, and I have a good one.  A really good one.  Stay tuned for more of our adventures.  You know some of the greatest adventures happen at home anyway. :)

1 comment:

  1. You really are having great adventures in the South. It makes me thing of the little girl in the movie "Up!" "Adventure is out there!" I admire you and Newel for blooming where you have been planted in Birmingham. Lucky Alabama to have you both! Can't wait to read your blog post (a-hem) about your trip to Fort Walton.
