Sunday, June 23, 2013

Just a Taste

Of the French Quarter.  We went there a few weeks ago.  Really fun and interesting.  History is just oozing out of the buildings down there.  We spent an entire day roaming the streets, taking walking tours, and taking lots of pictures.  Here are some of them:

Saint Louis Cathedral - my favorite building in the French Quarter.

Can you tell I loved the buildings?  I really liked the architecture and layout of it all.  It's said to be inspired by Spanish architecture.

Napoleon never lived here, but it was built for him.  Since he never made it to New Orleans, it was turned into a restaurant where they serve some killer hot muffalettas.

One of the many, many street musicians of the French Quarter.  There was always music being played as we walked around.  Most of it was really good.  Jazz did originate in New Orleans after all.

The railings on the balconies were incredibly detailed and I loved these ones because they have the initials of the woman who designed them - Baroness Micaela Almonester de Pontalba (AP).  Apparently she was quite feisty for her day, and I think you would have to be if you're going to design your own railings in an industry dominated by males.

This really was my favorite building so I needed another picture with the pretty blue sky in the background. 

A quiet alley next to the cathedral.  I wanted a picture of it and Newel mumbled in his Kip-voice, "Hey old man, don't mind us taking a picture of you."  It made me laugh.

 More pictures of French Quarter architecture. :)

 After dinner, we checked out Bourbon Street since it is the most famous street of the French Quarter but didn't stay for long.  Just a bit too crowded and we were TIRED at this point in the day.  So we took quieter streets all the way back to where our car was parked, and I took some more pictures.


 And then I had Newel take a picture of me with my favorite building in the background.

If you look through the gates between buildings, you can peek into some pretty courtyards like this one.

And one last picture of Canal Street where our adventures in the French Quarter came to an end.  Definitely an interesting place to experience for a day.

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