Monday, September 24, 2012

Another Car "Adventure" Part 1

Really?  REALLY?!  Yes, really, we had another car "adventure".  More like "headache", but everything's okay now.  It was the kind of experience where, at first, I thought, "This is the pits.", but then, by the end, I was thanking Heavenly Father for our safety, kind strangers, supportive family, and the laughs that we experienced through it all.  So here's what happened:

We went to Atlanta for the day to spend time with Newel's sister's family to celebrate his nephew's birthday.  Newel did some laser tagging with the boys and his brother-in-law.  Newel and his brother--in-law were the chaperones, but the little boys wiped the floor with them playing laser tag.  We think it's an intuitive thing for kids.  After laser tag, we went back to their house and had dinner, opened presents, and ate cake and ice cream.  It was fun.  After the party, we said goodbye and got back in the Jetta to head back to Birmingham.

Before we got to the freeway, the battery died.  We were able get the car to a gas station so we could pop the hood and check things out.  A man approached us to see what he could do to help, and gave us some tips to remove the corrosion off the battery, which he thought was probably the problem.  We thanked him before he went on his way.

After removing the corrosion, we realized we needed to jump start the car, and another man offered to help us do that with his truck.  We got it going, thanked the man, and then thought we were on our way.  Guess again.  We got on the freeway and after 5 miles, the battery started to die.  We were able to pull off at the next exit and make it to a McDonalds parking lot, which I helped push the car into.  Newel was stearing the car, so I pushed it by myself.  Yes, BY MYSELF!  I was pretty proud to be able to push the car. :)

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