Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Taste of Home

I'm a foodie and I come from a long line of foodies, or maybe it just started with my dad, but he is a major foodie and it's been passed on (in a significant degree) to me.  You're probably asking, "Why is she writing about being a foodie?"  Don't worry, I'm getting there.  I think that because I love food and the experience of eating it, I attach certain memories to food.  I remember who I'm with or what I'm wearing when I eat food that tastes really good to me.  When I plan a trip home or really anywhere, I think about the food I get to eat, or I do google searches for the best places to eat wherever I'm going.  I know, I need help.

The other night, I made my mom's chili.  I LOVE my mom's chili.  Newel really likes it too, and he's not a foodie or a chili fan.  It love it because it's tastes so good, and because of the memories it brings to mind.  My mom has made this chili along with her delicious corn bread since before I can remember.
This chili reminds me of her and it reminds me of my brother because chili & cornbread is his favorite meal.  It reminds me of evenings at home with my family, eating dinner, and talking about what we did that day.  It reminds me specifically of one late summer night, sitting down at the table and talking with my mom about my long day at work eating her chili and cornbread that she made earlier, and I ate it so slowly because it was so good and I didn't want it to go away.

When we're eating her chili, I think of home and my mom and everything I miss (in a good way).  I had a really good childhood, filled with lots of joy, laughter, love, and food. :)

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