Sunday, July 28, 2013

Homes of the GD

So it's been almost two months since we visited New Orleans, but I took lots of pictures and there was lots of stuff to share so this is the third and probably final post of what we did there.

Our last morning in New Orleans, we took a walking tour of the Garden District.  I definitely recommend walking tours if you like to learn some of the history/background and get a feel for what you're learning about because you're walking around and seeing everything.  What I remember most about the Garden District were all the beautiful houses.  Apparently, the Garden District was built by Americans that moved to New Orleans after the Louisiana Purchase who didn't want to live with the French/Cajun people in the French Quarter.  The neighborhood is a little classier in my opinion - it's more quiet and has a nice neighborhood feel.  Anyway, back to what I was saying - the houses.  Beautifully built and very cool.  I'm just gonna post a picture of a house and tell what I learned about it.

Anne Rice, author of Interview with a Vampire, lived in this house and then Nicholas Cage later lived in it, but then he had to give it up because of all his money problems.

Archie Manning's house - I thought my dad and brothers might think this house would be cool to see.  Can't you imagine little Peyton and Eli throwing the football with their dad in the frontyard?

This house was Walt Disney's inspiration for the haunted mansion ride at Disneyland.  This house reminded me of all my family that loves Disneyland (especially Stacy).  I can see it, but I totally thought this next house would be better inspiration for that ride.

Isn't that tree in front creepy?

John Goodman's house - They say he's out on his lawn a lot and will talk to people passing by.  He wasn't out when we were there.

Sandra Bullock's house - well one of them I'm sure.  She bought this house when she adopted a baby from New Orleans.

Nothing famous about this house as far as I know, but I really liked it so I took a picture.  I think the staircase leading up to the front door is cool.

I took more than just house pictures.  The Garden District has a pretty interesting graveyard/cemetery and a cool restaurant and lots of cool shops on Magazine Street that we checked out.  It was a very enjoyable experience in the GD.

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