Sunday, July 21, 2013


When Newel and I were down in New Orleans we walked along the Mississippi River waterfront from Canal Street up to the Riverwalk Marketplace.  We really enjoyed the openness and the breeze from the river.  Here are some pictures we took:

Newel & the M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I River

Some very yummy beignets we ate from the famous Cafe du Monde.

And more of New Orleans.

I know the pictures don't show much, but I really enjoyed the riverwalk since it was cooler out in the open versus in the busy, crowded streets of the city.  You learn to find ways to escape the heat to some degree in the South.

Side note: I should add that the summer has been mild here in Birmingham (I think).  It doesn't seem as hot as last summer.  Or maybe my body has adjusted to Southern weather better than I thought it would. :)

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